
Painting in the life of an artist and grandmother

Painting and my life as artist and grandmother

Being a artist is great, being a grandmother is greater

Loving my life as a mother, grandmother and artist. Time is limited for each and everyone thing. 

Have you ever wondered where the time goes? It goes so fast. I cant beleive its been over 2 weeks since I wrote on this blog. Lets see I did make a list of things to do, but I won't bore you with the details it might put you to sleep. Lets just say, my aunt thinks I need a clone of me - I am beginning to agree. Lets start with since I wrote last - my grand daughter precious little baby got out of the hospital, my son had surgery, my grandkids other grandmother had bad infection in her eye, I ran like crazy for everyone. Staying late at night to try to catch up on emails, things to do in the house, the studio needed working on, paintings to work on, of course there is always that dreaded laundry which I do not like.

Everyone gets quiet for a while and the refrigerator breaks down now its not supposed to do that its only 2 years old well alittle over two. What on earth now....don't ask.... putting towels on the floors from all the water leaking everywhere, cant sleep for fear we could have a house fire from the frig.. water coming out of the lights... you have to laugh at one point or you could lose it all... I really mean that... like crazy laughter... please Lord dont trust me with so much. I need help for sure.

Ok so we finally get a new frig and they come to take the other new one away. Money lost but hey its a new day we got a new one... don't look back as they say. Then well I can tell you my arthritis doesn't like me and my meds get stopped from insurance co for God knows why some new rule so we work on that and still waiting... I am really feeling like a grandmother at this point but my head still thinks I am young and I can conquer the world till I go to bend over and cant get up. Oh you are laughing at this point so was I to keep from crying.

No I can not make this stuff up. You gotta laugh and think when does it end? Yes please tell me too. I have about 14 canvas paintings to work on, two wooden painted pieces to complete. I gotta have time in this day right. Oh and I have 7 dolls to finish at some time - oh yes I still do design dolls because its fun and the girls love them. When lord - so its always midnight before I can still down and finish things when the quiet of the night comes. 

Cant forget that with periscope app your friends are on and I haven't seen them all day or the last few days and I cant paint and watch them too. They always bring me such joy. Ok so now thank goodness I am in another time zone. Its late for me but early for periscope. Better than television I think. After scopes then I might get to paint some more. 

Ok so that was the last few weeks. I am good now, Everyone is healing, home, doing what they do, YAY I get to do my stuff. So painting tomorrow to finish a long awaited car painting, then to the santas one already needs delivery. I am back... maybe I shouldn't type that loud or something will try to stop it... Its my life. How on earth do I get so organized? I have a planner by the way.. don't laugh... I know I am - how do you sit and plan on a planner if you don't have time to do the planner. 

Its my life and good thing I have learned patience or I would go nuts. New frig in the house making strange noises. Oh that is just the ice maker. Thank goodness thought something broke. Do you ever have days or weeks like these. I look forward to sitting down putting a sign on the door that says - I can not do adult stuff now I am busy painting. Yes that's it a sign I need a sign!   Well kids its time for me to watch periscope and try to paint its almost a little bit after midnight. Ahhhhh my quiet time until about 3 am. Then time to sleep. Wish me luck - believe me its sounds like a crazy life - you are right and thats a easy month. Will not share the really bad months. Lets hope that from this point on I get to paint and did I meantion I started making all natural soaps and lotions to sell. Oh yeah if I didnt have enough to do. But hey I love my life, I love painting, being a mother, a grandmother and now a soap maker. One thing is we will be clean, happy and healthy. And with all the paint I get on me while painting - I need lots of soaps. 

Until next time maybe I can add a few pics and videos here from time to time. Awaiting the arrival of 2 baby red birds in my tree out front. I hope I can catch them hatching. Hugs to you all. Sometimes I think I need a helmet to wear like military zone for incoming stuff. Just seems to fall on you everywhere. One thing about me is I never give up. Keep on keeping on... Never stop till the end. And I don't see an end in sight. Later kids. Time to watch periscope with paint brush in hand.....

If you get the chance just a few minutes of your time. Please check out the car painting and let me know what you think. Its not completed yet... Few more days. Its oil on canvas and will be one for framing a 16 x 20. Lots of hidden things to go into this one over the next few days. This one is "Times Gone By" - will have the final photo of painting up by first of the week available to anyone who is interested. The photo below is a draft photo taken with my phone. The real photo will be done by my photographer. One thing I am not is a professional photographer. Painter and Artist, Mom and Grandmother, Doll designer and Soap maker but not a photographer.  Anyway, please take a minute of your time and let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you. The painting will be available for purchase. I may offer a few prints on the site after the painting.  Note: the photo looks very dark but that is because this photo was taken with my phone just for the blog. When you see the final photo taken by the photographer it is not as dark and has many hightlights in it. Stay tuned for the final photo.