New Oil Painting in Progress
Newest sketching and planning for the Antique Dodge Truck Painting Soon
Time just gets away from us with work, your home and all the kids. Of course there is shopping, chores to do. My favorite is the time I get to spend creating everyday. I hope to have more available to you for the New Year 2019.
Until then see you soon with more painted wood items, canvas paintings and prints. If you have some in mind send me a request. I love hearing from all of you and let me know. Have a great weekend.
Fine Art Prints Sale
Frances Shurley Art for the Holiday Season
With the holidays almost here, I am busy trying to finish the Santa paintings that have been on order a while.
Loving the paintings and check out my web site we still have some of the prints left.
We are having a 25% off sale thru the end of November. Limited Edition Prints are available for the Times Gone By Print and the new Painting is also available. If you would like something painted special please contact me and I am happy to help you.
Hope everyone is enjoying the cooler weather but not so much the cold rainy weather. Maybe it will snow this year. I am looking forward to a white Christmas.
Fall Sale 25% off Fine Art Print and New Painting with free shipping in USA
New Fine Art Painting "Coming Home" available now - Save 25%
Painting American Flag and Country Barn
“Coming Home” with all the good things from old.
October Painting 2018 available to purchase check out paintings page.
My love of the country and old things come from great memories, grandmothers house, aunts and uncles visiting, playing with your cousins and siblings. I love remembering and painting memories that bring back great feelings. As we get older the memories mean even more to us.
As kids we grow up and think that life is forever but as the years catch up with us, we have a sense that maybe life is somewhat faster than we imagined.
Its so important to take the time to smell those roses, sit and watch the sunset, feel the water in the beach, pick up the shells and really look at them. Cherish the times when we can. Sometimes we get to the time in our lives we are running out of time to do all we want. However, since none of us know how much time we do have it is so much more important to start today and tell the ones you love how you feel. Do the things you always wanted to do.
For me one of the things I love besides my family is my painting and their are so many paintings I want to paint. So many memories to capture. I am learning about marketing so that takes time away from my art. Each day I try to learn the marketing part but always making sure to give my painting the time it deserves and the time I need to spend with the painting. I wish I never had to sleep - I would paint 24/7 but we know we must sleep so I paint in my dreams.
My children and grand kids are motivation for my paintings too, my lil grand daughter here is Lissie what I call her and she needs medical attention with her lymphadema and my goal is to build a studio and heated pool facilities so that she can get therapy right here and not have to travel each day for it. My goal with my paintings is to paint and use all I do to help her along with helping others too that need the help. That's who I am and that's what I do is help the children. Do you see the love in those eyes - and depends on me and I know she does. I will succeed in this quest to paint for the children.
I hope you love the new barn painting coming up soon. With all the things in it that I hope you love or remember as much as I do. Tiny little things to hopefully bring back some of the childhood and adult memories you just want to be reminded of.
I will be updating some sneak peeks on Facebook, twitter and Instagram and please let me know what you think. Please follow me and I will follow you back to keep in touch. I also do commission art if you are interested.
@FrancesShurley on Twitter and Instagram and also on Facebook
Thanks for taking time to sit and read my update. I appreciate each of you and I know how much time is valued so thanks for your time you set aside to read more.
Painting on a new barn painting with American Flag dedicated to helping the children
USPS Service Alerts
Winter Storm Grayson
An intense winter storm is bringing snow, ice and strong winds to the East Coast. It’s expected to move from Florida to New England over the next few days. Blizzard warnings have been posted for some areas. The Postal Service is monitoring conditions and some Post Office locations have temporarily suspended operations. Our top concern is the safety of our employees and customers.
For specific impacts in your area, refer to the service disruption alerts below and “Is my Post Office open?” for more information.
Times Gone By Limited Edition 25 Prints available
Limited Edition Prints 25 Available
Innova Rag Textured Paper
To order a fine art print go to my prints page and Buy Now
Times Gone By is perfect for how long this took me to finish.
Times Gone By
Some people paint like the wind and some take their time. However you do it, it really doesn't matter as long as you do what you love. This painting not only holds a lot of memories but lots of layers of oil paint.
20" x 16" x 1" Duck Canvas
When it comes to a passion or a talent just do it. I have been a fine artist since 1988 and although you don't see alot on the web site this year - I have been busy with private orders for gifts for others and items that are purchased as fast as they are done.
My hopes and prayers are to paint more for the web site as of now. I make my living painting, quilting and sewing. Painting is the on the top. I hope you will stay tuned and also if you are putting something off that you love to do and are scared or whatever..... Just do it... you will be so happy you did. Heres to me painting again full time. I am in love with life. Pick up your brushes and get some paints and join me....
Painting on Canvas to welcome October 2017
Painting on Canvas with nice fall scene of old car and house, coming soon. Signing and finishing details this weekend. Photos to follow.
New Santa painting on wood coming soon on periscope and twitter broadcast. Waiting on Arkon Mount to scope.
I love painting all the time but fall is a favorite time with the holidays coming. Santas and angels coming on wood. Also finally finishing the details on the canvas art. Everytime I think I am done I see something else I need to add or touch up. Follow me on instagram and also on twitter. I will be live broadcasting and so excited.
Paintings from Art Studio
Its been a while since paint blogging
How long has it been. I told you its a crazy life from an artist. Many people tell me wow you must have such a peaceful life being an artist, especially painting. I always wondered why they say that. My life is beyond crazy and wild. Being an artist is quiet time for myself, but it takes time to paint. First I must get thru the crazy days and times of the day. In the last 2 weeks, my sons still in therapy so I help with the kids - its summertime you know. My daughter in love was baking a cake for a special summer cookout we were going to have until I get a call " Mom come quick, shes dropped a butcher knife on her foot and it wont stop bleeding - I am beside myself telling my son what to do and call 911 - as I run out the door and I am also on phone calling 911. I get there a mile from my house before the ambulance or firemen and yep cut the foot wide open. So the summer begins, I take the kids, my son goes to hospital and we update you to now.... surgery was Tuesday to repair the cut tendon and the artery and now its keep the foot up and healing time.
I told you that my life is nothing but busy and full of events. I am however getting to swim some which helps the days. Grandkids are having fun. I have tried to finish this painting on the old classic car but it still waits. I hope to get that done in the morning.
I have orders coming in for bird paintings, santa paintings and more. I am excited to paint and paint on anything just to paint. It feels good to do what I love to do. This is a quick update tonight. I want to scope on Periscope live broadcasting and not sure how many would tune in. If you would be interested please drop me a line and let me know. You can always email me at I would love to hear from you. If you have a request for something you would like me to paint, or sew or quilt let me know. I love helping others and if you would like me to do a Q&A on painting let me know that as well. Ok its my time to watch some of my friends on scope. Stay tuned more pics coming soon. I am caught up finally. Until later - Frances
Painting in the life of an artist and grandmother
Painting and my life as artist and grandmother
Being a artist is great, being a grandmother is greater
Loving my life as a mother, grandmother and artist. Time is limited for each and everyone thing.
Have you ever wondered where the time goes? It goes so fast. I cant beleive its been over 2 weeks since I wrote on this blog. Lets see I did make a list of things to do, but I won't bore you with the details it might put you to sleep. Lets just say, my aunt thinks I need a clone of me - I am beginning to agree. Lets start with since I wrote last - my grand daughter precious little baby got out of the hospital, my son had surgery, my grandkids other grandmother had bad infection in her eye, I ran like crazy for everyone. Staying late at night to try to catch up on emails, things to do in the house, the studio needed working on, paintings to work on, of course there is always that dreaded laundry which I do not like.
Everyone gets quiet for a while and the refrigerator breaks down now its not supposed to do that its only 2 years old well alittle over two. What on earth now....don't ask.... putting towels on the floors from all the water leaking everywhere, cant sleep for fear we could have a house fire from the frig.. water coming out of the lights... you have to laugh at one point or you could lose it all... I really mean that... like crazy laughter... please Lord dont trust me with so much. I need help for sure.
Ok so we finally get a new frig and they come to take the other new one away. Money lost but hey its a new day we got a new one... don't look back as they say. Then well I can tell you my arthritis doesn't like me and my meds get stopped from insurance co for God knows why some new rule so we work on that and still waiting... I am really feeling like a grandmother at this point but my head still thinks I am young and I can conquer the world till I go to bend over and cant get up. Oh you are laughing at this point so was I to keep from crying.
No I can not make this stuff up. You gotta laugh and think when does it end? Yes please tell me too. I have about 14 canvas paintings to work on, two wooden painted pieces to complete. I gotta have time in this day right. Oh and I have 7 dolls to finish at some time - oh yes I still do design dolls because its fun and the girls love them. When lord - so its always midnight before I can still down and finish things when the quiet of the night comes.
Cant forget that with periscope app your friends are on and I haven't seen them all day or the last few days and I cant paint and watch them too. They always bring me such joy. Ok so now thank goodness I am in another time zone. Its late for me but early for periscope. Better than television I think. After scopes then I might get to paint some more.
Ok so that was the last few weeks. I am good now, Everyone is healing, home, doing what they do, YAY I get to do my stuff. So painting tomorrow to finish a long awaited car painting, then to the santas one already needs delivery. I am back... maybe I shouldn't type that loud or something will try to stop it... Its my life. How on earth do I get so organized? I have a planner by the way.. don't laugh... I know I am - how do you sit and plan on a planner if you don't have time to do the planner.
Its my life and good thing I have learned patience or I would go nuts. New frig in the house making strange noises. Oh that is just the ice maker. Thank goodness thought something broke. Do you ever have days or weeks like these. I look forward to sitting down putting a sign on the door that says - I can not do adult stuff now I am busy painting. Yes that's it a sign I need a sign! Well kids its time for me to watch periscope and try to paint its almost a little bit after midnight. Ahhhhh my quiet time until about 3 am. Then time to sleep. Wish me luck - believe me its sounds like a crazy life - you are right and thats a easy month. Will not share the really bad months. Lets hope that from this point on I get to paint and did I meantion I started making all natural soaps and lotions to sell. Oh yeah if I didnt have enough to do. But hey I love my life, I love painting, being a mother, a grandmother and now a soap maker. One thing is we will be clean, happy and healthy. And with all the paint I get on me while painting - I need lots of soaps.
Until next time maybe I can add a few pics and videos here from time to time. Awaiting the arrival of 2 baby red birds in my tree out front. I hope I can catch them hatching. Hugs to you all. Sometimes I think I need a helmet to wear like military zone for incoming stuff. Just seems to fall on you everywhere. One thing about me is I never give up. Keep on keeping on... Never stop till the end. And I don't see an end in sight. Later kids. Time to watch periscope with paint brush in hand.....
If you get the chance just a few minutes of your time. Please check out the car painting and let me know what you think. Its not completed yet... Few more days. Its oil on canvas and will be one for framing a 16 x 20. Lots of hidden things to go into this one over the next few days. This one is "Times Gone By" - will have the final photo of painting up by first of the week available to anyone who is interested. The photo below is a draft photo taken with my phone. The real photo will be done by my photographer. One thing I am not is a professional photographer. Painter and Artist, Mom and Grandmother, Doll designer and Soap maker but not a photographer. Anyway, please take a minute of your time and let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you. The painting will be available for purchase. I may offer a few prints on the site after the painting. Note: the photo looks very dark but that is because this photo was taken with my phone just for the blog. When you see the final photo taken by the photographer it is not as dark and has many hightlights in it. Stay tuned for the final photo.
Painting update for April 2017
Painting updates for April 2017
April has been a busy month with painting on canvas and wood
Painting on canvas with an old classic car and cottage of days gone by, has taken a while to complete. I am almost there. This month has been a trying one to say the least.
Painting full time, also a doll creator and designer. Grandmother of 6 beautiful grand kids, this month had its trials. One of my youngest grand girls was in hospital for infection in her leg. She suffers from lymphadema at a very young age of 4 and she is a twin. Being away from a sibling is hard but to be a twin is another story of trials. My lil grand daughter Alyssa is finally home and now on oral antibiotics to heal and work on getting the swelling down.
I have been out of touch the last couple of weeks. Now with all this behind us, we paint and design again. Commission work on the Santa for Scott in Atlanta will be done before summer. And will be delivered. As for the old car painting, well its still needing several more layers in places. Photos will be posted and announced once completed.
I have several santa wood pieces in the works in acylics, photos soon. These have not been spoken for as of yet, so they will be available. Will keep in touch as we get new items out.
Until next week - Have a great day, Frances
(55) Frances Shurley
Spring Break for kids here in Georgia. I am finishing this oil painting of an old car and cottage that seems to be taking forever. I am excited to be getting so close. I have 3 other paintings going at the same time. I hope to finish this one this week to get it photographed finally.
Taking the grand kids to do some fun things during spring break and evenings will be working on art works in the process. Have a great week to all of you.
Saturday and finishing an oil painting
Its Saturday and quiet here as everyone is off doing what you do on saturdays. I am finishing an art piece in oils on a 16 x 20 canvas. I do love old vintage cars and barns. Nothing like a stroll thru the country to see things when you were a kid, or maybe you have never had the chance to stroll thru the country to experience an old barn, climb a big tree or walk down to the lake and sit a spell. Take the moment and go - you will find the best times and the most quiet times. Get away for the day away from all the noise and busy work. Be back soon, not much time and time waits for no one. Have a great day.
Website and New Beginnings
New Artist Beginnings
I finally got it up, not all done yet but congrads on at least getting 75% completed. I could not have gotten this far had it not been for the support of my friends on periscope. Especially starting with where do you go to start a web site? Questions and many more. Thanks Amanda Oleander for telling me to use Squarespace and I am so glad I did. Is it a learning experience yes but so worth it. Thanks to Bob Chapman known as the zookeeper on periscope for all your emotional support as I tackle this. To Scott Langston - Owner/Artist of Town and Country Florist, in Hoschton,GA thanks for being such a great friend all these years and always believing in me ~ your Santa painting is almost ready to pick up and that is one I will really miss, I love the Santa. Wow its loads of work, staying organized and keeping pics in the right place and connections all listed in order helps. I gotta say, now I can paint some and finish the site this week. I hope that all my prayers get answered as I depend on my art and sewing to make a living. The last year has been trying to say the least, but with friends like the Perifamily and my family and friends here at home - I just gotta say Thank you and I love you all especially my family for knowing all these years that life is so full of blessings you just got to stop and smell the flowers, in my case its painting and enjoying all of you.
For the last 30 years I have painted and sold by word of mouth, things aren't like they used to be. Now you are in this world of live streaming and videos online everywhere. You really don't need a television its all online. In the years past, it was just paint and folks were always asking when is the new piece going to be done, and it was sold before I got half way there, its still a little like that with so many folks wanting paintings - I have a list I have been working from. I have to say this web site tried my patience as I was trying to build it. I would much rather be painting and sewing. So now back to what I love and that's the brush and canvas.
Any suggestions are welcome. Send me a message or text me and let me know. Thanks so much. This is where the real work begins, I am so blessed. A new beginning.