About Frances Shurley

Frances Shurley is a artist that creates vibrant landscape paintings as well as still life with oil and acrylics on canvas.

Frances Shurley began her career as a artist 30 years ago living in Georgia.

Her love of art began very early, and she has always expressed an interest in learning as well as making art. Frances studied Fine Arts along with Art History at the University of Columbus, and continued her studies in art and through various workshops to broaden her scope. In 1988 she began teaching art classes at first at a local retail establishment and then from her home studio from Waverly Hall, GA to Columbus, GA then relocating with her family years later. Frances and her family made Warner Robins, GA their home 15 years ago.  For 30 years Frances has been painting along with enjoying every moment with her 6 new grandchildren along with her two married children. Since 2000 she maintains a studio in her home, and continues to paint people and landscapes that inspires her, and has now re-branded herself as Frances Shurley.

She has joined the social media of periscope and twitter learning to live stream with the world to bring awareness to others on how to paint and the supplies you might need to begin. Teaching has been a love of Frances since back in her childhood from age 12 learning and teaching others to sew, design and create clothing while living in Florida where her brother and sisters now reside. Another love of Frances is the sewing and art quilts. Frances shared that all of her family members are all artists of different medium but still all artists and she loved that they all share that love.

In 2000 Frances was accepted by Macon Arts Alliance & Gallery, although she does not show her work now in Macon GA, she has gone to showing and sharing online to the new social media sites such as Instagram the new online galleries if you will. Years and years ago you would find Frances auctioning her paintings to help with childrens homes while living in Columbus GA. Before that you would find her selling her art at a quaint little farmhouse named "The Farmhouse" in a small country town located in Harris County, GA where you could have lunch and stroll thru the old farmhouse rooms all decorated by season with so much art you had to keep coming back for more. Walking around the country farm with the lake and ducks is just a tiny bit of how much Frances loves the painting of the old masters as well as the old classics. Country barns, chickens, children fishing with grandpa at the lake, painting her favorite birds for all those bird watchers. Lets not forget Frances Shurley love of the old masters paintings of light, figures of old books on a table - something so simple but yet looking for all those fine details she loves to share. Frances love for Olde World Santa figures is amazing, looking for the art and the story of old to tell and share with not just the children but with all.   

A large part of her learning comes through teaching art.  She taught painting class in Columbus, GA along with teaching childrens' art classes in Austell, GA within the art studio owned by the well known Sue Bailey - a mentor and friend of Frances. One particular painting Frances shared is the one she was blessed to present to Sam Walton to hang in the home office in Bentonville, AK, with press covering the new store opening event depicting how Sam Walton started his small at the time company to now a huge empire - yes its Walmart, Frances shared she isn't sure if it still is in the home office now since its been so many years but would love to know, back then around 1990 -92 she signed her work as Lynn Curenton.  Frances loved teaching acrylic painting workshops at various venues in and around Georgia.  Before the painting years, it was designing clothing in Florida as a teen and before that it was designing as a child while sewing at a very early age. Then began the painting after many years of learning and still learning everyday. Frances has not branched out to videos as of yet for purchase online but instead hopes to share with others thru live video streaming on Periscope.tv  - Be sure to check her instructional videos soon as Frances begins to branch out to continue her journey thru the world of art. 

Frances says that she gives all the credit of her talent to God whom she is very grateful to have been blessed so much. Frances says to her parents who are now in heaven she only wanted them to be proud of her as well as her children & grandkids. One day about 2 years ago while grieving the passing of her mother she found a live stream on periscope when it came out of a girl painting and talking and from there she knew God had spoken to her thru this young lady - Frances says she followed her and it made the days go by much easier along with the many friends she was making again - life became not quite as sad .... the young woman she talks about is Amanda Oleander and the peri family whom she called them like her family and Amanda is like a grand daughter to her although we have never met in person I feel like our souls have met from an earlier time or place.

Frances shared that if God had not sent Amanda to paint and allow me to find her on periscope she doesn't know where she would be right now. Depression still grabs me and I still grieve my mother and my dad however the days seem brighter and the laughter that you can find thru a app on a phone is so amazing. How you feel you have known these people for years. Frances talked about how because of the friendships she has made on periscope and also Facebook she looks forward to getting up now and painting. One statement she shared was how as she says my internet Grand daughter if you will - Amanda said one day in a scope as they call it - don't wait to do the things you love - you are given each day to create - don't let the time get away. Frances says she cried that moment as if Amanda was speaking directly to her but Frances says she wasn't because she has so many people follow her but it felt as if there was no one else on that broadcast but her and I, and she says she could go on and on, to her friends Amanda, Bob, Cindy, Jellybean (Christine), De, Patrick, Joey, Zakia, Drea, Lorene, Scott, Leona, David, Lizza, Alex, Stephen, Rion, Linda, Jessi, Debbie, Rae, Johnny, Bobbi ~ gosh I could name on and on ~ all these people have helped me to discover me again... so I thank them... most of all my children and family.... so many more to name and thank... 

 Frances said she would end this with "find your talent and share with others and give back always... is what Frances shared ~ oh and Pay it forward to whomever you can daily because you never know who you might meet that needs to hear a positive word or hear a sweet kind word, always be positive and share.  Being blessed to take 15 years to enjoy the early years of my grandchildren has meant the world to me, I didn't loose those years of painting, I gained those years of memories so now I have more to paint. Its been a pleasure. To whom much is given much is required. Constantly working on new things daily. Enjoying Life. Thank you all for taking your time to share part of my life story." 

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